Spinal Deformity Surgery

Dr. Dhruvin Patel has been performing various spinal deformity surgery since 2010. His expertise includes complex as well as common other spinal deformities in children as well as adults.

That includes:

  • Scoliosis, childhood originated as well as adolescent and adult degenerative
  • Kyphosis, congenital as well as post traumatic or post tuberculous
  • Hybrid surgeries, where certain part of deformity in tackled in minimal invasive way and other part in standard open surgery way
  • His expertise in spinal deformity surgery includes - thorough pre-operative evaluation, examination, imaging studies, thorough counselling about pros and cons of surgery, future surgery requirement and post-surgery rehabilitation
  • He routinely uses neuromonitoring system for major spinal deformity surgery, to make the surgery safer and that instills confidence among patients
Spinal Deformity Surgery